New Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Commercial is so Petty, and I love it
If you haven’t seen the new Samsung commercial attacking the IPhone 6. Then you need to watch the video below right now.
In the meantime I’ll go get a glass of apple drink.
Samsung releasing a commercial to point that Apple is copping their style. The same week Apple announced their new phone is petty and spiteful…and I love it (Young Jeezy style, or is it just Jeezy stlye?). It’s also a little rap battleish. I think Samsung should have had No Vaseline playing in the background.
When the IPhone first emerged, they cornered the market on being an individual. They were the only company that had a universal phone, a universal charger, an uncustomizable home screen, and a whole lot people thinking this was a good idea.
In recent years Apple has flip the script. Now they sell phones in every color of the tropical rainbow, and they have distinctively different models. That means all those people that were rocking the IPhone 4s, yet tried act like they had the newest phone, have to come up with a new strategy (I suggest they get someone to cosign, and leave them with the bill).
This week Apple unveiled their new line of IPhone 6. I’m sure you can get the phone with different storage space, and eventually they’ll have different colors. However, the big news is that you can get the IPhone in two different sizes. Which sounds eerily similar to Samsung’s Galaxy series, but you don’t need me to tell you that.
Samsung did it for me.
Editor-in-Chief of Comedic Prose
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