So Josh Gordon of the Cleveland Browns has tested positive for marijuana. Consequently he could be facing a season long suspension. Now he has appealed the decision on the ground that he was not actually smoking. Rather he was in a hot boxing situation and his positive test was caused by second hand smoke. It…
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So the former racist owner of the Los Angeles Clippers (Donald Sterling), and the maybe/kinda sorta/soon to be owner of the Clippers (Steve Ballmer) had a “friendly conversation.” What the hell could they have possibly talked about friendly? One guy is trying to take the other guys stuff. And the guy who’s getting his stuff…
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Dan Le Batard of the Miami Herald and The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz. Does Miami centric rants whenever something great happens for Miami sports. With LeBron James returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers. I though it was only right that I do a rant for the city of Cleveland. Especially since the Cleveland rants that…
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Now that LeBron James has returned to the Cleveland Cavaliers. People have asked me how I feel about his return. My answer has always been the same when asked, “Conflicted.” I can’t speak for all Cleveland fans, but I think I’m correct in saying, that LeBron coming back hasn’t really sunk. Partly because the city…
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LeBron James is back in Cleveland. So the whole LeBron watch is over. I glad it’s come to an end, but at the same time the Twitter experience was great. I’ll miss searching Twitter for clues. Trying to figure out if Dan Gilbert was on a plane or what the color pallet was going to…
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I think I speak for everyone when I say, “LeBron just make a decision. I don’t care where you play just announce something. Say Cleveland, say Miami, say you’re going to take the year off and play baseball. Maybe you end up liking Brazil when you go there for the World Cup. I’m sure that…
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The LeBron James to Cleveland movement is in full effect, and I can’t believe it. Why would LeBron want to leave Miami? Why does he love Akron so much? Is Dan Gilbert going to apologize for that letter that he wrote? What the hell is going on with LeBron James and his free agency? The…
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