ESPN’s Rob Parker educates us on blackness

ESPN’s Rob Parker educates us on blackness

rob-parkerI don’t know if you’ve been under a sports rock for the last day, but Rob Parker of ESPN has been suspended. Why did he get suspended? Well he decided to give his social opinion on race. Which in most circumstances would be okay, but Parker decided to decide to debate if Robert Griffin III was, “…a brother, or a cornball brother?”

Now I don’t know about you’ll but when I want racial commentary I tune into ESPN First Take. For me the sports talk is just icing on the cake. I tune in for racial controversy. I think ABC should swap that show out with The View, and let it come on national television.

On a more serious note, Rob Parker is obviously wrong. He was way out of line with his comments regarding what type of “brother” Robert Griffin is. However what I find far more egregious is his comment regarding RG3 have a white fiancé, and making it seem like he may be less of a man because of that. Honestly, who the hell is Rob Parker to challenge anyone’s choice for a spouse? I found those comments fire-able. Not only is that disrespectful along racial lines, but also to Griffin as a man.

It is yet to be known what will happen to Parker. There is a chance he may be terminated. One thing is for sure. This black man won’t stop it!


Kortney Shane Williams

Editor-in-Chief of Comedic Prose

Follow Kortney Williams on Twitter @kortneyshane


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