NBA owners really have to grow up. Between Cleveland, Orlando, and New York, we have a consortium of owners who just don’t “get it.” I am completely baffled at all times by old white guys who really think they’ve bought inanimate toys. They sit around on their carpet and like marbles or pogs (yeah, I…
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I am saying it first! Phil Jackson to the Miami Heat! Wow, I have no idea why this hasn’t been brought up more, but let’s evaluate this? The following are the top five reasons why I’d choose Phil Jackson to coach the Miami Heat if I were Pat Riley. I. “Coach Spo’ No…
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I have a 14 year-old cousin. For the purposes of this article, we’ll call him JJ. If he died today, I’m not sure what I’d do. However, I am sure of what I wouldn’t do: go to work. Lamar Odom of the Dallas Mavericks, lost his cousin and witnessed the dying breaths of a thirteen…
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LeBron James: The Prodigal Son As a native of Cleveland, Ohio, my first thought when LeBron James left Cleveland, OH was denial. My second emotion was anger. But my third emotion, like many other Cleveland Cavaliers fans, was hope. Today, after seeing Lebron’s interview in Cleveland from yesterday, that hope is growing. LeBron James left…
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Here’s a look at last week’s headlines . . . By the Numbers 1. The number of Iranian nuclear scientists killed by a bomb this week (I’ll let you figure out the irony in that one). 2. The number of years since a 7.0 magnitude earthquake tore through the nation of Haiti,…
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