Kortney’s Last Show Podcast
EP 66 : Bill Cosby Documents Released Kortney talks about the Bill Cosby and the public documents that were released.
EP 65: ESPN Magazine Naked Body Issue and NBA Free Agency Kortney talks about the fascination with wanting to see everyone naked, and ESPN Magazine’s Body Issueident
EP 64: Donald Trump’s Presidency is Hilarious Kortney talks about Donal Trump Running For President, and how it’s disaterusly hilarious
EP 63: BET Awards – Bad Boy Shines Like It’s 1993; Kendrick Lamar May Not Be the Greatest Kortney talks about the BET Awards & Kendrick Lamar
EP 62: Confederate Flags & P. Diddy Kettle Bell Kortney talks about P. Diddy Fighting with a Kettle Bell
EP 61: Rachel Dolezal White NAACP Leader Kortney talks about the NAACP White Spokane President
EP 60 Part 2: Will Russell Wilson Get Paid and Holo Solo’s Thug Life Kortney talks Russell Wilson and Hope Solo’s Troubles
EP 60 Part 1: NBA Finals Game 2 Kortney talks about why Golden State Should be embarrased by Game 2 of the Finals
EP 59: Bruce Jenner Cover Photo & Kevin Love is Lying Kortney talks about Bruce Jenner’s Vanity Fair Cover and Kevin Love’s Lies
EP 58: Cleveland Cavaliers’ Rant & NBA Finals Preview Kortney Has a Rant on the Cavaliers and Previews the NBA Finals
EP 57: Mad I Saw Gone Girl Kortney talks about wasting his time watching Gone Girl
EP 56: AmeriCON Billboard Awards (“We All Lip Syncing!”) Kortney talks how wonderawfull the Billboard Awards were
EP 55: Tom Brady’s Deflategate Suspension and Sofia Vergara’s Frozen Eggs Kortney talks about the Frozen Eggs and Deflategate
EP 54: #MayPac Fight, “You Mad Bro?” and the Yankees Need to Pay A-Rod Kortney talks about the Mayweather v. Pacquiao fight
EP 53: Jameis Winston’s Hookup & Kevin Love’s Arm Stand-Up Style Showcase Kortney talks about Jameis Winston getting the hookup
EP 52: ESPN’s Britt McHenry’s Tow Truck Rant Kortney talks about his dislike for the tow truck business (As a Whole)
EP 51: Madonna! Oh Madonna Kortney talks about Madonna kissing Drake on Stage, “So weird.”
EP 50: Cubs’ Fans Peein Cups Kortney talks about Chicago Cubs’ fans peeing in cups & A bad NCAA Tournament
EP 49: Today I Canceled My Cable & The Final Four Kortney talks about the fun of canceling his cable
EP 48: Kendrick Lamar, To Pimp A Butterfly…Not Good? Kortney talks about not understanding Kendrick’s new album & J. Cole 2014 Forrest Hill Drive
EP 47: Madonna Falls on Stage, Llamas on the Loose, & What Color is the Dressest Kortney talks about Madonna being too old for Hip-Hopping
EP 46: It’s on like Hot Butter Popcorn Kortney talks about the Mayweather/Pacquiao Fight Being On!
EP 45: Brian Williams Out Here Making Stuff Up Kortney talks about Brian Williams lying & Kanye and Kendrick’s new tracks
EP 44: 57th Grammys and Kevin Love Kortney talks about the Grammy Awards and Kevin Love dealing with the Cavaliers’ organization
EP 43: Lovable Seahawks Bravado Kortney talks about loving the Seahawks Bravado despite them losing
EP 42: The Oh Too Long Superbowl Week Kortney talks about his hatred for Superbowl weel and what happened to Eminem
EP 41: Birdman, Marshawn Lynch, and Tiger Wood’s Tooth Kortney talks about seeing Birdman and the mystery of Tiger Woods’ tooth
EP 40: Ducks Couldn’t Hold Them Buckeyes Down Kortney talks about Ohio State winning the National Championship and he does a rant
EP 39: Ohio State v. Oregon, Trip to Vegas, and David Copperfield Kortney talks about his trips to Vegas and previews the National Championship
EP 38: Stuart Scott…$1100 Sony Walkman, Ohio State and Oregon Make the Championship Kortney opens the show talking about Stuart Scott…Then he digresses to other things
EP 37: The Legendary Roots Crew Live in Seattle Kortney talks about the incredible show The Roots put on in Seattle
EP 36: Great Seattle Seahawks & Air Asia Kortney talks about how he loves the Seattle Seahawk Players
EP 35: The Interview Movie and NBA Christmas Kortney talks about the ridiculous was America is treating Seth Rogan and The Interview
EP 34: Opning for Dave Chappelle & Hannibal Buress Kortney talks about getting the opportunity to open for Chappelle and Hannibal
EP 33: Busta Rhymes Falls Off Stage (Too Old to Be Hip Hopping) Kortney talks about Busta Rhymes and Ohio State getting in the playoffs
EP 32: FERGUSON, AMERICA TRAGEDY Kortney talks about the heart breaking situation in Ferguson
EP 31: Bill Cosby Assault Allegations and I’m on The 206 on NBC Kortney talks about Bill Cosby perpetrating a fraud & him being on TV
EP 30: Man Slaps Woman on NYC Subway and College Football Playoffs Kortney talks about somebody getting slapped (Cleveland Style)
EP 29: NYC Street Harassment Video and Chris Rock SNL Monologue Kortney talks about Chris Rock going 4th rail in his SNL monologue
EP 28: 2014 NBA Season Preview Kortney talks about the upcoming season and why no one wants to play with Kobe
EP 27: BET Hip-Hop Awards 2014, Percy Harvin Trade, and Breaking Bad Action Figures Kortney talks about being surprised that the BET Hip-Hop Awards were good
EP 26: That Seahawks Loss was meaningless Kortney talks about the Seahawks losing; Jameis Winston & Todd Gurley autographs
EP 25: Ebola Is Out and Geno Smith Missing in Action Kortney talks about Geno Smith putting Michael Vick in the position of actually having to play
EP 24: Lesbian Couple Sues A Sperm Bank Kortney talks about the Lesbian Couple that sued a sperm bank for giving them black sperm.
EP 23: Shmoney Dance & Kendrick Lamar – i Kortney talks about discovering the Shmoney Dance, Kendrick Lamar’s new single, and Bill Simmons criticizing the NFL.
EP 22: Did Roger Godell Waste Your Time Too? Kortney talks about Roger’s ridiculous press conference and how it was a waste of time
EP 21: Kendrick Lamar out here Stealing?; (Ray Rice Video) Kortney talks about Kendrick Lamar being sued for stealing a beat & the Ray Rice video
EP 20: 2014 Cleveland Browns Preview Kortney talks about this season’s Cleveland Browns
EP 19: LeBron James Returns Rant Kortney does a rant on LeBron James Returning to the Cavaliers (LeBatard Show Style)
EP 18: LeBron Back to Cleveland, More Interesting Eastern Conference Kortney talks about LeBron James Returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers and there’s a rant
EP 17: LeBron James Free Agency Kortney talks about the posibility of LeBron James actually returning to the Cavaliers
EP 16: BET Awards Review and Chris Rock Kortney talks about he Bet Awards and how great Chris Rock was at hosting them
EP 15: Luis Suarez out here biting Kortney ask when/if it’s okay to bite someone
EP 14: Lance Stephenson and the NBA Finals Kortney is joined by his brother. They talk about the NBA Playoffs & how much they love Lance Stephenson’s antics
EP 13: NBA Playoffs, Mark Cuban’s comments, and Cleveland Cavaliers Kortney is joined by his brother Kyle to talk about the NBA Playoffs and other NBA news
EP 12: Macklemore Dresses Jewish & Cavaliers win the Lottery Kortney talks about the controversy surrounding Macklemore’s costum & the Cleveland Cavaliers winning the NBA Lottery
EP 11: Jay-Z gets it in an elevator & Johnny Manziel The bat signal went out, so Kortney talks about Jay-Z getting hit by Solange in an elevator
EP 10: Michael Pineda Neck Butta Kortney talks about Yankees’ Michael Pineda using Hair Butta on his neck
EP 9: Lance Stephenson Fight and Indiana Pacers Kortney talks about Lance Stephenson being a crazy person & The Pacers’ struggles
EP 8: DeSean Jackson Kortney and his brother talk about the “gang conroversy” surrounding DeSean Jackson and paying college atheletes
EP 7: Paul George gets catfished and The BIG ANNOUNCEMENT Kortney talks about Paul George gettting catfished and he has an announcement to make
EP 6: LeBron’s Mount Rushmore and Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Kortney is joined by his brother. They talk about LeBron’s Mount Rushmore while constantly getting derailed
EP 5: Hello Kitty and LeBron James’ Mount Rushmore Kortney talks about LeBron’s Mount Rushmore & Hello Kitty
EP 4: Cavaliers, Cleveland Cavaliers, and more Cavs Kortney tells you why Kendrick should win the Grammy & Richard Sherman
EP 3: Kendrick Lamar Grammy Award? & Richard Sherman Kortney tells you why Kendrick should win the Grammy & Richard Sherman
EP 2: 2013 NFC Championship Kortney talks about football and the Aulstrailian Open
EP 1: Kanye West, The Cavaliers, Kobe Bryant, and Duck Dynasty In the reincarnation of Kortney’s podcast he talks…