Kortney Williams Presents The Comedy Show: 2…will you be there Nov. 17th?

Kortney Williams Presents The Comedy Show: 2…will you be there Nov. 17th?


The Comedy Show went down again last night for the second time. I guess you can call it The Comedy Show: 2 (I think I’m going to count down ever show like a UFC event). Featured on the show was Mitch Burrow, Jameson Milton, and Geoff Brousseau. Everyone on the show did well and I didn’t hear a negative word from anyone at the show.

Please note: I told people that if they wanted to complain, message me directly through Facebook. I said that because I don’t read my Facebook messages. So someone could have been really pissed, and I just ignored them.

The show turnout was fantastic.  Thanks to everyone who came out and gave of their time and money. Also the turnout hit my personal threshold for doing another show. So I am happy to announce that there will be another show November the 17th at 8:30 at The Comedy Underground. And you are all invited. I don’t currently have a lineup lock down tight, but I do know that the very funny Rodger Lizaola will be on the show. Plus I will be there orchestrating the whole event.

So come out to The Comedy Underground in Seattle, and experience The Comedy Show: 3

109 S. Washington Street

Seattle, WA 98104

(206) 628-0303


Show starts at 8:30, and tickets are $10 adv. $12 at the door

So there are the details. Hope to see you there


Kortney Shane Williams

Editor-in-Chief of Comedic Prose

Follow Kortney Williams on Twitter @kortneyshane

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